Mining Computation Laboratory

Mining Computation Laboratory


The Mining Computation Laboratory is one of the facilities owned by the Mining Engineering Study Program. As technology in the mining industry continues to develop, students are required to be competent in simulations and data processing using computers and software. Over time, the Mining Computation Laboratory continually updates the software used, thus becoming a learning facility that supports students’ competencies according to the needs of the mining industry. Currently, the Mining Computation Laboratory prioritizes the use of the laboratory to support mining simulation and data processing that requires computers and software. The computer and software facilities in the Mining Computation Laboratory refer to the basic competencies of courses such as basic geology, structural geology, resource modeling, geotechnics, drilling and blasting techniques, mine ventilation, mine planning, as well as mineral and coal project feasibility evaluation.

Contact Us

Dr. Ir. Danu Putra, S.T., M.T. (Head of Laboratory)
Laboratorium Komputasi Tambang
Gedung D, Lantai 3, FTKE, Universitas Trisakti (Kampus A).
Jl. Kyai Tapa No. 260, Grogol Petamburan,
Jakarta Barat 11440


Organizational Structure
Mining Computation


Head of Laboratory Dr. Ir. Danu Putra, S.T., M.T.
Head of Practicum

Structure dan Geostatistic

Geotecchnical Simulation

Resources and Reserves


Dr. Ir. Irfan Marwanza, S.T., M.T.

Dr. Ir. Masagus Ahmad Azizi, S.T., M.T.

Ir. Danu Putra, S.T., M.T., AAusIMM

Laboratory Assistant Andre Susilo, S.T., M.T.



List of Equipments

Unit Quantity
Client Computer (Monitor + CPU) 20
Server Computer (Monitor + CPU) 1
Printer (Epson WF-7111) 1
Scanner (Plustek OpticPro A360) 1
Printer Peta (Hp Designjet T520) 1
Monitor & Projector 1
Glassboard 1


Research conducted in this laboratory includes:

  • Resource modeling
  • Geostatistics
  • Slope stability simulation
  • Drilling and blasting design
  • Ventilation network design
  • Mine planning and design

Laboratory Service Usage Workflow:

  1. The service user submits a research proposal or a tool borrowing letter required to support the research objectives;
  2. The review team (reviewers) will assign a responsible person or field supervisor, materials, and necessary costs;
  3. The service user completes the specified administration before starting their work in the laboratory.

Laboratory Service Usage Costs:

There are no costs for lab usage.

Research Procedure in the Mining Computation Laboratory:

  1. Submit a research proposal to the Mining Computation Lab / related supervising lecturer.
  2. The proposal review team will review the research proposal within 1-2 weeks.
  3. The review team will provide the necessary software for the research and appoint a supervisor.
  4. Create a research work timetable.

Some of the software available include:

  • Kazemaru
  • MineScape
  • ShotPlus 5 Standard
  • Ventsim 5
  • SgeMS
  • Micromine
  • LiPS
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