A Brief History

A Brief History

The history of the Mining Engineering Study Program began in 1994 when the Faculty of Mineral Technology (FTM) at Trisakti University established the Mining Engineering Department / Study Program, which on May 18, 1994, received approval from DIKTI with “REGISTERED” status under Decree No. 134/DIKTI/Kep/1994.

In 1997, a fully-equipped Coal Laboratory and Mineral Processing Laboratory were built. At that time, FTM already had Petroleum Engineering and Geological Engineering Departments. On September 1, 2005, the Faculty of Mineral Technology was renamed the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology based on the Rector’s Decree of Trisakti University No:308/USAKTI/SKR/IX/2005.

In 2020, the Mining Engineering Study Program applied for reaccreditation, where the Mining Engineering Study Program again obtained accreditation with a B (Good) rating under the SK BAN PT Number: 6049/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IX/2020. This accreditation is valid until September 29, 2025.

In 2024, the Study Program reapplied for accreditation to the Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM) of Engineering and successfully obtained EXCELLENT Accreditation with Decree Number (SK) Number: 0756/SK/LAM Engineering/AS/XII/2024, which is valid from December 21, 2024, until December 20, 2029

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