Mineral Processing Laboratory

Mineral Processing Laboratory


The Mineral Processing Laboratory (PBG) was inaugurated by the Rector of Trisakti University on September 11, 1995. The mineral processing laboratory is a treatment or enhancement laboratory that determines the more specific quality or grade of the processed minerals. The mineral processing laboratory is a miniature version of the mineral processing equipment used in the field, so the equipment has relatively large sizes and dimensions.

Contact Us

Ir. Christin Palit, S.T., M.T (Head of Laboratory)
Laboratorium Pengolahan Bahan Galian
Prodi Teknik Pertambangan
FTKE  Universitas Trisakti Kampus A.
Jl. Kyai Tapa No. 1, Grogol Petamburan,
Jakarta Barat 11440
Email: lab.pbg@trisakti.ac.id

Organizational Strcuture
Mineral Processing Laboratory

Head of Laboratory Ir. Christin Palit, S.T., M.T.
Head of Practicum 1.      Mineral Processing  : Ir. Christin Pali.,S.T.,M.T

2.      Metallurgy   : Riskaviana Kurniawati,S.Pd.,M.Si

Laboratory Assistant  Lalilatul Sa’adah,S.T


List of Equipments

Unit Quantity
Jaw Crusher 2
Ball (Rod) Mill 1
Single Double  Deck Vibrating 1
Riffle Sample Cutter 1
Vacum Filter 1
Hammer Mill 1
Electric Heating Dryer 1
Batch Flotasi 1
Diaphragm Jig 1
Drum Wet Magnetic Separator 1
Shaking Table 1
Humprey Spiral 1
Microskop 1
Neraca Analitik 1
Naraca Kasar 1
pHmeter 1


Research that can be conducted in the Mineral Processing Laboratory


  • Analysis of optimization of electrowinning extraction of nickel-cobalt sulfate
  • Analysis of nickel grade improvement from laterite nickel ore using flotation method with oleic acid collector
  • Analysis of the effect of sodium oleate and time on rare earth metal (REE) separation in tin tailings using flotation method
  • Analysis of the effect of pH and particle size on the gold ore separation process at PT ANTAM UBPE Pongkor using the flotation method
  • Study of the use of calcium chloride solution as a separating medium for monazite in tin ore using shaking table


  • Analysis of the effect of pH and particle size in limonite nickel ore processing using flotation method
  • Analysis of depressant dosage variability and particle size in laterite nickel flotation
  • Study of the use of sodium chloride salt solution as a separating medium for tin ore using shaking table


  • The effect of leaching time and temperature on the electrowinning process using nitric acid solution on the lead deposition mass from galena concentrate
  • Analysis of frother variation and aeration time in copper ore flotation
  • Analysis of the effect of jigging process variables on the increase in grade and recovery of cassiterite
  • Analysis of the effect of flotation variables on coal desulfurization using CPO (Crude Palm Oil)
  • The effect of particle size and water flow rate on the tin ore processing using shaking table on the grade and recovery of cassiterite
  • The effect of feed rate and solid percentage on iron sand recovery using humphrey spiral equipment
  • Analysis of the effect of flotation variables on coal deashing using crude palm oil reagent
  • Analysis of the separation and recovery of Fe main minerals with silica impurities in iron sand using jig equipment
  • Analysis of the effect of pine oil reagent on proximate coal test using flotation method
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